Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Sorry to blast out another email.  If anyone is a certified electrician please email our VP Tom Barger at  We are looking to add an outdoor electrical outlet near the batting cages at Elliott and will be obtaining quotes. 




Brian Kayser, President

Holt Jr. Rams Baseball


Elliott Fields Update - Save the date(s)


We are proceeding with the conversion of the two Elliott fields (#3 and #4) in April.  For those of you new to the program, the U10 teams have used two fields at the Jr. High in the past.  In an effort to get our all fields into one “complex” we obtained permission from Holt Schools and Delhi Parks and Rec to use the two fields in the north east corner at Elliott (Elliott #3 and #4).  This will help with our concessions and the ability to host tournaments in the future.  Plus with renovations should make the fields nicer than the fields at the Jr. High. 


We originally were going to add minimal fencing just past the first and third base lines.  Due to all the generous donations from many of you we are able to put additional fencing in, all the way down the foul line plus enclosing the player benches. 


For now, please save the date of April 16th and/or April 17th.  We will have some sod cut out to expand the fields and will need help removing that as well as spreading around new baseball dirt in those areas.  The alternate date in case of weather or unforeseen delays is the following weekend of April 23/24. 


If anyone has a tamper machine please let me know!!


BTW - U10 teams will practice at the Jr. High fields during April.


I’ll send out more details the week of April 10th.  



Brian Kayser, President

Holt Jr. Rams Baseball




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Monday, March 28, 2011

Pony League Day at Dick's Sporting Goods



Attached are coupons from Dick Sporting Goods for discounts on most baseball equipment.  These coupons are valid thru 6/30/11..  In addition to these coupons, there is a special coupon for the Mid Michigan Pony League to receive an additional 15% off your entire order if you shop on April 16. 




Brian Kayser, President

Holt Jr. Rams Baseball




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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Meet the Rams Spaghetti Dinner

This is a reminder that the High School's "Meet the Rams Spaghetti Dinner" is tomorrow (Friday March 25).  All Jr. Rams players that attend have an opportunity to be a bat boy for a Varsity game!  
For those of you that eat meatless on Fridays in Lent, skip the fish fry and join us.  They will have meatless spaghetti sauce plus fettuccine of course.  
Again, if you think you'll attend just shoot me an email (if you haven't already) so I can give them a rough number.  If you decide at the last minute to come and you didn't email me, no big deal - just show up!!  
Hope to see you there!
-Brian Kayser
-----Original Message-----
From: "Brian Kayser [HJRB]" <>
To: "mailing.list List Member"  <>
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 16:58:12 -0400
Subject: Jr. Rams Bat Boy Opportunity!!

The High School Holt Rams Baseball team is hosting a “Meet The Rams Spaghetti Dinner” next Friday.  Not only is this a good chance for our Jr. Rams to mingle with the high school players, but they will be holding a door price raffle just for the Jr. Rams.  At least fourteen names will be drawn and those boys can pick one game to be the Bat Boy!  They get to hang out in the dugout with the high school players and perform bat boy duties. 
See the flyer for more info on the dinner.  Email me with any questions.  If you know for sure you plan on attending please let me know so I can give them idea of the number needed for dinner. 
There will be a special line just for the Jr. Rams.
Your coach may have some tickets to purchase, otherwise you can simply pay at the door. 
My family will be there!
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball

Friday, March 18, 2011

Jr. Rams Bat Boy Opportunity!!


The High School Holt Rams Baseball team is hosting a “Meet The Rams Spaghetti Dinner” next Friday.  Not only is this a good chance for our Jr. Rams to mingle with the high school players, but they will be holding a door price raffle just for the Jr. Rams.  At least fourteen names will be drawn and those boys can pick one game to be the Bat Boy!  They get to hang out in the dugout with the high school players and perform bat boy duties. 


See the flyer for more info on the dinner.  Email me with any questions.  If you know for sure you plan on attending please let me know so I can give them idea of the number needed for dinner. 


There will be a special line just for the Jr. Rams.


Your coach may have some tickets to purchase, otherwise you can simply pay at the door. 


My family will be there!


Brian Kayser, President

Holt Jr. Rams Baseball


Thursday, March 17, 2011

We need U14 Players!!


We’ve had a few U14 players drop out, bringing our roster numbers to undesirable levels.  We are potentially at the breaking point where we need may need to dissolve a team and redistribute the kids onto 3 teams instead of 4.   We DO NOT want to have to do this as then we would have overloaded teams.


If you have (or know of) any 13 or 14 year old players that were kind of on the fence for playing this year, and are willing to play let me know ASAP.  One or two additions would be great.  The weather is getting warm so maybe there are a few kids that are now changing their minds.  This would be for a Tier-1 team ($150). 


PLEASE forward this to anyone you think may have a boy interested!!


Thanks in advance for any help!


Brian Kayser, President

Holt Jr. Rams Baseball


Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Break Camp


Attached is a flyer for a Spring Break Camp put on by the Lansing Hit Club.  I’m just passing this along as an “FYI”.  HJRB is not affiliated with the Lansing Hit Club or this camp.  However the camp will be held at our U14 field and if you indicate that you are a Holt Jr. Rams player they will give you a $10 discount.   Any questions should be directed to the contact information on the flyer. 



Brian Kayser, President

Holt Jr. Rams Baseball




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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Player fees / Coaches Clinic


Thanks to all of you who have paid your player fees!  However we still have about 40 that have not paid.  If you are one of the 40 please get your payment in ASAP, the $15 late fees kick in after tomorrow.  If you cannot pay the full amount at this time, please contact me or Ramona Butterson ( to work out a payment plan ASAP.  Tier-2 boys will not be allowed to practice going forward until their player fees are paid.


If you want to verify that we received your payment, simply go to the payment form again and enter your email address.  If we received your payment, it will show **Paid** and have a zero balance. 


We need to order uniform pants, some additional jerseys, etc., ASAP, and we need all player fees paid before we can do that.  This is why we need the fees paid in a timely manner.  Thanks!



**Coaches Clinic tomorrow night**

Reminder, the High School Varsity Coach (Nate Potts) and some of his staff and players will be conducting their coaches clinic tomorrow night (3-10-11) at 7pm at the Ninth Grade Campus.  Meet in the Choir Room which is directly across from the gym (turn to the right as you come in the main door). 


This is for all head and assistant coaches.




Brian Kayser, President

Holt Jr. Rams Baseball




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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Player Fees Due March 4th

This is a reminder that player fees are due this Friday.  This is  especially important for Tier-2 player as they are starting indoor practice this month (this weekend for most teams).  If you have a kid on a Tier-2 team please make arrangements to get your payments in ASAP, there are a lot outstanding. Players with unpaid fees will not be allowed to practice.  
After March $10 a $15 late fee will be applied.
Here is the payment link:
Brian Kayser