Friday, January 27, 2012

HJRB 2012 Player Registration - OPEN

The website is now ready to accept online player registration for the 2012 baseball season.  I am a little behind this year getting this going so please help me out and register as soon as you can, it only takes about 5 minutes.  There is no payment due at this time. 
If you had a player in the program last year you will also be prompted to take an optional survey based on the 2011 season.  This only takes about 3 - 5 minutes as well.  
Player evaluations are February 11 and 12, available time slots will be 9am, 11am, 1pm or 3pm.  I know there are some conflicts with this weekend.  If you can attend at least one session that would be good.  If you are unsure which time slot will work, just pick one you think will work. If something changes you can email me and I can switch the time.  Even if you find out at the last minute that you can or can't make it at your designated time, just show up for one of the other time slots and we'll accommodate.  We may do a make-up session the following week depending on the need.  
See the attachment and/or the website for more information and to register!! 
If you know of a friend or neighbor that has not played for HJRB in the past and may want to this year, please pass on this email.
Brian Kayser
President - HJRB