Hello, the end of the season is upon us. Some of the teams are playing in the Mid-Michigan PONY End-of-Season Tournament, some teams are done, and some may have scheduled other tournaments.
I do need to ask (plead) for some volunteers though to help with the End-of-Season Tournament. This EOS Tournament is actually 6 separate tournaments that Mason PONY puts together and is quite an undertaking. We have once again volunteered our fields for use as have Charlotte, Fowlerville, Waverly, and of course Mason. We are hosting 24 - 26 games on our fields. This means we provide the umps and the field prep, and we can provide concessions if we want to raise funds for our program.
I have hired all the umps - Check.
I have concession volunteers for tonight - Check.
I need concession volunteers for Thursday (6pm-8:30pm) - ____________
My family will run concessions for Friday - Check.
For Saturday and Sunday I need both concession volunteers and field prep volunteers.
Concessions, I need coverage from 9am until at least 5:30pm
Field Prep, I need 3-4 people from 8am until 5pm
Concessions, I need coverage from 10:30am until at least 5:30pm
Field Prep, I need 2-3 people from 11am until 4:30pm
PLEASE help me out so I don't have to do everything myself. Plus I really need help Saturday and Sunday after 11am as I can't be there in the afternoons.
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/www.hjrb.org