HJRB families,
It’s been a good four years as President of HJRB but now I have officially handed over the reins to the new President, Noel Heikkinen. Noel has been involved in the program for over five years in various positions including Assistant Coach, Parent Representative, HJRB Sponsorship Chairman, and Co-director of the Steinhaus Standoff tournament. The last couple of years he has had all three of his boys in the program in all three age divisions. I feel very comfortable that HJRB is in good hands with Noel Heikkinen at the helm. He will send out an email soon to start the transition; either with this email list or a new one that he creates. A big THANKS to Noel for taking on this responsibility.
I’d also like to give a big THANKS to our other new board members.
John Price is the new Vice President; taking over for Tom Barger who dutifully filled the role for the past four years. John has been involved in the program for three years serving as a coach and an assistant coach. Last year he took on the role of managing the schedule for the fields which was a huge relief for me.
Carla Rios is the new Secretary; taking over for Kathy Hall who has filled that role for three years I believe, along with a slew of other roles since the inception of the program. Carla has had a boy in the program for the past two years. She also has an older boy that played Varsity Baseball for Holt (graduating in 2012.) Carla served as a parent rep for JV and then as Secretary for the high school baseball program; so she comes with plenty of experience.
Adrianne Clark is the incumbent Treasurer and was re-elected for one more year. Adrianne did a spectacular job taking over the role last year and did much more than just balance the checking account. She volunteered her time for pretty much every event she was able to help with last year (which may have been all of them!) Adrianne has two boys in the program.
Please join me in welcoming the new HJRB Board of Directors and give them your own big THANKS if you see any of them. This is all volunteer time and is a big commitment. I would also like to urge you to help them out next year by volunteering at least some of your time with projects, tournaments, coaching, concessions, etc.
Tom, Kathy, and I will still be around and I look forward to seeing many of you next season. I have a younger boy that will be in the U12 division next year so I’m not going anywhere. Now with my extra time maybe I can spend more time working on my next book! Now that I’m not the President of HJRB perhaps I can throw out a shameless plug one time. If you are a science fiction fan checkout my first book at: http://www.thecurseofeuropa.com
Thank you everyone and we’ll see you around! If you have any questions I will still be monitoring this email for a while (but not every day). You can also send email to info@hjrb.org which will instantly forward to all the new board members.
Brian Kayser