Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Your new Holt Jr. Rams Baseball board members

HJRB families,
It’s been a good four years as President of HJRB but now I have officially handed over the reins to the new President, Noel Heikkinen.  Noel has been involved in the program for over five years in various positions including Assistant Coach, Parent Representative, HJRB Sponsorship Chairman, and Co-director of the Steinhaus Standoff tournament. The last couple of years he has had all three of his boys in the program in all three age divisions.  I feel very comfortable that HJRB is in good hands with Noel Heikkinen at the helm.  He will send out an email soon to start the transition; either with this email list or a new one that he creates.   A big THANKS to Noel for taking on this responsibility. 
I’d also like to give a big THANKS to our other new board members. 
John Price is the new Vice President; taking over for Tom Barger who dutifully filled the role for the past four years.  John has been involved in the program for three years serving as a coach and an assistant coach.  Last year he took on the role of managing the schedule for the fields which was a huge relief for me. 
Carla Rios is the new Secretary; taking over for Kathy Hall who has filled that role for three years I believe, along with a slew of other roles since the inception of the program.  Carla has had a boy in the program for the past two years.  She also has an older boy that played Varsity Baseball for Holt (graduating in 2012.)  Carla served as a parent rep for JV and then as Secretary for the high school baseball program; so she comes with plenty of experience. 
Adrianne Clark is the incumbent Treasurer and was re-elected for one more year.  Adrianne did a spectacular job taking over the role last year and did much more than just balance the checking account.  She volunteered her time for pretty much every event she was able to help with last year (which may have been all of them!) Adrianne has two boys in the program.
Please join me in welcoming the new HJRB Board of Directors and give them your own big THANKS if you see any of them.  This is all volunteer time and is a big commitment.  I would also like to urge you to help them out next year by volunteering at least some of your time with projects, tournaments, coaching, concessions, etc. 
Tom, Kathy, and I will still be around and I look forward to seeing many of you next season.  I have a younger boy that will be in the U12 division next year so I’m not going anywhere.  Now with my extra time maybe I can spend more time working on my next book!  Now that I’m not the President of HJRB perhaps I can throw out a shameless plug one time.  If you are a science fiction fan checkout my first book at:
Thank you everyone and we’ll see you around!  If you have any questions I will still be monitoring this email for a while (but not every day).  You can also send email to which will instantly forward to all the new board members. 
Brian Kayser

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

HJRB Board Mtg Tomorrow

The election of new officers will be at the next board meeting this Thursday, September 19th.  Please see the attached PDF document for information about the candidates running for HJRB board positions.  I really like the information gathered and being able to share it ahead of time for a more informed decision.  It looks like the only real voting will be for the President position as there are two candidates.  Please show up to the board meeting and cast a vote.  We will have a limited amount of time for open discussion also.  
1.        Introductions
2.        Executive Committee Report
a.        Quick recap of 2013 season
b.       Steinhaus tournament overview
c.        Treasure’s Report
3.        Explanation of election  / by-laws
4.        Election of new officers
a.        President (Noel Heikkinen / John Price)  two year term
b.       Vice President (John Price)  one year term
c.        Secretary (Carla Rios, unopposed)  two year term
d.       Treasurer (Adrianne Clark, unopposed)  one year term
5.        Discuss transition plan
6.        Short open discussion with both new and retired board members with parents present.
a.        Simple Q&A – no lengthy discussions.
b.       How to submit suggestions / concerns / feedback to new board members for future board meeting.
7.        Next Meeting Date/Time? 
8.        Adjourn 
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Friday, September 13, 2013

Deadline for HJBR board positions is today

The deadline to apply for a board position is today.
Use the link to the form below if you want to apply for any of the positions.  You can apply for more than one. 
CANDIDATES APPLY HERE ASAP (it should take less than 5 minutes):
Positions to be voted on:
·          President (2 Year Term)
·          Vice President (1 Year Term)
·           Secretary (2 Year Term)
·          Treasurer (1 Year Term)
HJRB Board Meeting: September 19, 2013 at 7:00pm in the High School Library.  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Monday, September 9, 2013

Important HJRB Board Meeting

Please mark your calendar for a very important HJRB board meeting September 19, 2013 at 7:00pm in the High School Library.  This meeting is VERY important to the future of the Holt Jr. Rams Baseball program as new offices need to be elected.  Don’t worry, coming to this meeting does not mean that YOU could be forced into a board position.  We plan on having all candidates lined up beforehand, so unless you want to be a candidate, all we are asking is that you show up to vote for the persons you feel will do the best job to lead this baseball program into the future. 
Four years ago I took over as President of HJRB and Tom Barger took over as Vice President.  We have served two terms and, along with the other various board members, have accomplished a lot in moving this program forward.  Last year I sent out an email indicating that our “retirement” was looming and this would be our last year.  Due to this, we were blessed to have some new people come forward for this last season to help and observe.  So we already have nominees for all positions that got a little hands on experience last year.   However, via the HJRB by-laws, these board positions are open for anyone to step forward as a candidate whether you’ve been involved in the past or not. 
Besides the President and Vice President positions, we will also have a vacancy for the Secretary position.  Kathy Hall as dutifully served in this position the past two years along with maintaining her uniform coordination duties since the inception of the program.   
The Treasurer position became unexpectedly vacant last year so we appointed Adrianne Clark to fill out the remaining year term and she has done a great job.  So this position is technically open as well.  Adrianne is willing to serve again so she will be an incumbent candidate.  This will be for a one year term.  If you feel strongly that you want to serve in this capacity you can throw your hat in the ring.  However, I will strongly recommend we maintain Adrianne in this position next year as she has last year’s experience to draw upon. 
All terms are normally two years, but according to the by-laws the four officer’s terms should be staggered.   This is to maintain experience on the board.  This got a little messed up over the years so to fix it, the VP and the Treasurer positions will just be one-year terms this time (up for re-election next year.) 
IF YOU WANT TO BE A CANDIDATE FOR ANY OF THESE POSITIONS PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM AT THE LINK PROVIDED BELOW BEFORE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13,2013.  This will ask the candidates what they believe to be the philosophy that should govern the HJRB program, what they think the program’s current strengths and weaknesses are, and ask for three changes (or tweaks) that they think would take the HJRB program to the next level.   The list of all candidates and their answers to the above questions will be emailed out before the meeting. 
When we took over the program four years ago we had a few hundred bucks in the bank and a negative balance sheet.  We have implemented a lot of improvements and changes over the years and are leaving the next board a good amount of money in the bank to keep things rolling.  Please do your part to keep this organization moving in the right direction.  If you don’t have the time in your busy schedule to volunteer, at least make your voice heard by coming to the next meeting and voting in board members that you feel will put this money to the best use and keep the program strong. 
CANDIDATES APPLY HERE ASAP (it should take less than 5 minutes):
Positions to be voted on:
·         President (2 Year Term)
·         Vice President (1 Year Term)
·         Secretary (2 Year Term)
·         Treasurer (1 Year Term)
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Friday, July 12, 2013

2013 Summer Baseball Camp

Hello all.  The Holt Varsity Baseball program is putting on their summer camp again this year.  See below and see the PDF attached for more information.  This is run entirely by the Varsity baseball program (not Jr. Rams) but I encourage you to participate if you can.  They do a great job. 

Brian Kayser
Nathan Potts, Holt Varsity Baseball Coach, invites you to attend our Summer Baseball Camp where your child will learn the fundamentals of baseball from the High School coaching staff and Varsity players.

The camp is scheduled for:
U10 – Monday, July 29 through Wednesday July 31 - 10:00 - 12:00
U12 – Monday, July 29 through Wednesday July 31 - 12:30 - 2:30
U14 – Monday, July 29 through Wednesday, July 31 - 3:00 - 5:00

Camp Fee: $50.00 One Child; $80.00 Family Rate (2 children); $100 Family Rate (3 or more).
Each participant will receive a camp t-shirt.

NEW THIS YEAR – BONUS CAMP!!!! Cost $75 – One on one individual instruction
Thursday, August 1st pitching
U10 – 5:00 - 6:15 catching
U12 – 6:15 - 7:30 hitting
U14 – 7:45 - 9:00 fielding
**You must register for the regular day camp to be eligible for the bonus camp.
See the attached PDF for more information!

Thursday, July 11, 2013


I know many of you are ready to be finished with baseball, and many are taking vacations, some are still playing in the tournament (including my boy) but I really need help for Saturday and Sunday for field prep. I got exactly two response to my last email, both HJRB board members who already have given up a lot of their time this season to help run this organization.  
Please - I only need maybe 6 people for field prep. We have over 200 families in this organization so I hope at least a few step up. If you've never helped, perhaps this is your turn! 
Please only respond if you can help. 
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  
-----Original Message-----
From: "Brian Kayser [HJRB]" <>
To: "mailing.list List Member"  <>
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 15:35:11 -0400
Subject: Last call for volunteers

This is most likely our last call for volunteers this season.  As many of you are aware, we are hosting many games for the Mid-Michigan PONY End of Season tournament.  Mid-Michigan (Mason) PONY runs this tournament but they do not have enough fields so we let them use our fields each year.  
I was tasked with hiring umpires for all 35 games.  For the Monday thru Friday games we have Delhi Parks and Rec prep the fields as they have done for us all season.  But this coming weekend I will need field prep volunteers.  
This can be anyone.  Someone who has done it in the past would be great.  It is a great task for those kids needing National Honor Society hours next year also!!  
I need help with field prep Saturday 7/13 and Sunday 7/14.
Saturday would be from 8am until 5:30pm.  Choose all day or one of these shifts (8am - noon and/or Noon - 5:30)
Sunday from 8:30am until 3pm.  
We could also use concession stand volunteers as well for the weekend.  

Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Fall Leagues / Uniforms

A lot of our kids and coaches participate in fall leagues each year (such as Charlotte’s Wooden Bat League) so I’d like to communicate the stance of HJRB with regards to it.  If a team is composed primarily of Holt/Dimondale kids then we will allow the teams to be called Holt Jr. Rams.  
However, just so you know, we do not run these leagues.  Most importantly the HJRB board does not put together teams for these leagues.  We do not select coaches and we do not provide any funding for the teams.  Any coach or parent can opt to sign up a team, participate and coach.   These coaches can then select their own team however they want, whoever they want.  It is their team. 
I mainly point this out to avoid confusion.  This is post season play that we encourage but we do not organize the teams in any way.  Getting asked to play on one of these teams is completely up to the coaches putting together the teams.  If your current coach is putting together a wooden bat team, don’t assume your son will be asked to play on it, and please don’t take it personal if they don’t.  We don’t allow coaches to hand pick their teams during the regular season but they can here and many times it is based on close friendships, player ability or positions needed, etc, … and there are only so many slots. 
I honestly don’t know all the coaches and kids planning on participating, but I’m sure there will at least be a few teams.  The only thing I can offer is if your boy is interested but does not know of a team, email me and I’ll keep a list.  If there are any coaches looking for extra players, email me and I’ll share the list of kids looking for a team. 
IMPORTANT : We are not  allowing our jerseys to be used for fall play!! This is extra wear and tear and a lot more work tracking down who has and hasn’t turned them in.  You must turn in your Jersey and belt by July 29.   Any fall league teams need to provide their own jerseys even if they are using the Holt Jr. Rams name.  
** If you have played your last game and didn’t turn in your Jersey and belt to your coach let me know and we’ll work out a plan to get it from you. 
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Last call for volunteers

This is most likely our last call for volunteers this season.  As many of you are aware, we are hosting many games for the Mid-Michigan PONY End of Season tournament.  Mid-Michigan (Mason) PONY runs this tournament but they do not have enough fields so we let them use our fields each year.  
I was tasked with hiring umpires for all 35 games.  For the Monday thru Friday games we have Delhi Parks and Rec prep the fields as they have done for us all season.  But this coming weekend I will need field prep volunteers.  
This can be anyone.  Someone who has done it in the past would be great.  It is a great task for those kids needing National Honor Society hours next year also!!  
I need help with field prep Saturday 7/13 and Sunday 7/14.
Saturday would be from 8am until 5:30pm.  Choose all day or one of these shifts (8am - noon and/or Noon - 5:30)
Sunday from 8:30am until 3pm.  
We could also use concession stand volunteers as well for the weekend.  

Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Friday, June 28, 2013

All Holt Home Games Canceled

Just in case it isn't obvious!  
If you have an away game (you are probably there already) but if not, it all depends on where you are going to and what they decide.  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lost Item

If any of you know who Harvey Langworthy is and have his phone number, please email me or Tom Barger (  
He left something at the fields tonight.  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Parent/fan conduct issues

HJRB Parents and Fans,
Our 2013 season is well under way and overall, things seem to be going great.  However, it has come to the Board's attention that there have been some limited circumstances of parent/fan conduct issues that we believe need to be addressed at this time.  The Board recognizes that players, parents and HJRB fans all want their players and teams to win.  We also recognize that baseball, like all other sports, can be frustrating and emotionally charged at times.  With that said, in addition to developing our kids as baseball players, our program is dedicated to promoting sportsmanship, teamwork and the physical and mental well being of our kids by way of the examples of our coaches AND our parents.  One of the goals of this program is for our kids to develop into responsible, respectful and well rounded individuals.  We want our HJRB players to respect their teammates, their opponents, umpires and their coaches.  Our players and coaches are expected to conduct themselves with class and dignity as their actions reflect upon how our program is perceived by other communities.
While these things are expected of players and coaches, they are also expected of our parents and fans.  While a parent may disagree with their son's coach as to what position their son is playing, the coach's coaching style, the number of innings the player is playing etc., it is inappropriate to in any way criticize or demean the coach or coaches.  We have had complaints of parents confronting and treating their son's coaches disrespectfully in front of the players and other parents.  We have also had one report of a parent addressing their own child in front of his teammates in a derogatory fashion and utilizing inappropriate language.  THIS CONDUCT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND WILL CEASE FROM THIS POINT FORWARD!  As a reminder to parents/fans, the HJRB organization has a "Player and Spectator Code of Conduct" that states as follows:
      "Parents and Spectators agree to be positive role models at practices and games, and to demonstrate respect for coaches, players, officials and fellow spectators, at all times. Parents and spectators will not question an umpire’s call. Parents and spectators will comply with the decisions of league officials and observe all rules, policies and procedures established or endorsed by Holt Jr. Rams Baseball (HJRB). Parents and Spectators will limit verbal comments to positive encouragement for players, or will otherwise remain silent during practices and games. Parents will discuss any concerns with the coach in a respectful, private manner, at post-practice and post-game opportunities......... Parents will be responsible for any spectator they bring to the HJRB athletic event.  Failure to comply with the above conduct could result in disciplinary action up to removal of your child from the team, and/or banning from the HJRB organization."
There is certainly no reason why a parent cannot speak to their son's coach in a respectful manner and in a private setting about whatever issues they may have.  We believe that our coaches are always open to positive and constructive comments, however, we will not permit our volunteer coaches to be disrespected, demeaned or subjected to any type of verbal abuse.  This type of parent conduct does absolutely nothing to further the goals of Holt Junior Rams Baseball or to promote our program.
We are insisting that all parents and spectators conform their behavior to the above "Player and Spectator Code of Conduct".  In the event that new complaints are received after the date of this e-mail,  the complaint will be investigated and if found to have merit,  the offending parent/spectator will be given ONE warning by the HJRB Board of Directors.  If the conduct persists after that warning, disciplinary action will be taken in the discretion of the Board against the parent, spectator or offending parent's child in conformance with the above HJRB policy.
We appreciate your anticipated cooperation in this regard.
Holt Junior Rams Baseball
Board of Directors
Web Site:  

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

PITCH, HIT & RUN Competition

WHEN:     SUNDAY, JUNE 2 9:30a.m.; Sectional Competition 
          immediately follows for those that finish first in 
          each category.
This is not a Holt Jr. Rams Baseball activity.  I'm just passing along the information. 
Contact Delhi Parks & Rec for questions or to sign-up. 
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

HJRB Home Games Cancelled

All Holt Jr. Rams Baseball games for May 28 are canceled due to poor field conditions and weather forcast. 

If you have an away game tonight, you need to check with your coach.  Coaches, for away games, check with the community contact or coach to determine if they have cancelled games.  

If you have a practice scheduled for tonight at Elliott, check with your coach (or wait for their communication). I advise canceling / rescheduling due to the poor field conditions. 
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Thursday, May 23, 2013

HJRB Home Games Cancelled

All Holt Jr. Rams Baseball games for May 23rd are canceled due to poor field conditions. 

If you have an away game tonight, you need to check with your coach.  Coaches, for away games, check with the community contact or coach to determine if they have cancelled games.  

If you have a practice scheduled for tonight at Elliott, check with your coach (or wait for their communication). I advise canceling / rescheduling due to the poor field conditions.  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Friday, May 10, 2013

Rainout Info

Another yuck day! I don't have any info yet on home games - sorry.  But here if the best information I can provide to you:
For Home (Holt / Elliott) games.  Delhi Parks and Rec makes the determination based on field condition.  Please do not call them directly asking.  You can go onto and see if there is an update on there and/or call 517-694-3433.  This isn't updates until around 4:30pm.  It is is yet to be determined, then the home coach or umpires will make the calls at the field.  
For away games, your coach will have to contact the home team's coach and see what their policy is and then let the parents know.  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Thursday, April 18, 2013

HJRB Sponsorships

Please see the message below from our HJRB Sponsorship Chairman...
-----Original Message-----
From: Noel Jesse Heikkinen <>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2013 14:44:49 -0400

Hey, HJRB families!
We are looking forward to a fantastic season of baseball here in in Holt, provided that Mother Nature decides to cooperate.  Many of our teams have begun their outdoor practices and even though it doesn't feel like it with all the snow and rain, baseball season is upon us.
I would like to remind you that it is not too late for you to solicite sponsorships for HJRB.  Even though you have already paid, you can still get a refund for part of your registration fee.  You will receive 15% of any sponsorship dollars you bring to the program.
That means if you recruit a business to our "Grand Slam Club," you will receive $60 of your registration back.
Please look over the attached documents and forward them on to anyone you think would be interested and feel free to email me with any questions.
Noel Heikkinen
HJRB Sponsorship Chairman

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Uniform Pickup

In case you coach hasn't forwarded you the uniform distribution info please see below.
Date = Saturday April 20th from 10am - 2pm, see time slot below.  
If someone is unable to pick up their uniform they must make arrangements for someone else to get it for them as this will be the only day to pick up uniforms.
It is very important that everyone ARRIVE ON TIME so that we can get through 199 players in 4 hours. If there are players with siblings, they may choose one of the assigned times and have both boys come together. If someone absolutely cannot make their assigned time, they may come as soon as they are able but realize this is where we may get behind schedule in getting the players out the door.
10:45 U10 GOLD RIOS
12:00 U10 BLACK D. COON 
12:30 U13 WHITE S. COON 
13:30 U10 BLUE CURRIN  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Re: High School Meet the Rams Spaghetti Dinner

And... here's the attachment!! 
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  
-----Original Message-----
From: "Brian Kayser [HJRB]" <>
To: "mailing.list Mailing List" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 22:36:15 -0400
Subject: High School Meet the Rams Spaghetti Dinner

HJRB Parents,
The High School baseball program is having their annual Meet the Rams Spaghetti Dinner next Tuesday, March 19 at 6:00 p.m.  See the attached flyer for more details. 
This is a neat opportunity to get the younger kids acquainted with High School program, players, and coaches.  PLUS, each year they hold a drawing to select Jr. Rams players to act as bat boys during home games.  This is an even better opportunity to let the younger kids mingle with their older counterparts.  They may even get a baseball signed by the coaches and players if they get chosen.  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

High School Meet the Rams Spaghetti Dinner

HJRB Parents,
The High School baseball program is having their annual Meet the Rams Spaghetti Dinner next Tuesday, March 19 at 6:00 p.m.  See the attached flyer for more details. 
This is a neat opportunity to get the younger kids acquainted with High School program, players, and coaches.  PLUS, each year they hold a drawing to select Jr. Rams players to act as bat boys during home games.  This is an even better opportunity to let the younger kids mingle with their older counterparts.  They may even get a baseball signed by the coaches and players if they get chosen.  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Thursday, March 7, 2013

MMPL Days at Dick's Sporting Goods

Please see below
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  
-----Original Message-----
From: MBSC <>
Attached is your League Flyer for your discount days coming up on March 9 th as well as a special weekend April 13th-14th. We set up two different times so players and coaches can get some needed items earlier.
Please feel free to make copies, email to families and post to your web site. We ask that families bring this in on your day.
New, this year, this single flyer will give 20% off most everything throughout the store!
This includes baseball/softball, cleats, shoes, clothing and more. This is also off multiple items and not just one.
The team packets coupons will not be able to be combined with this new offer.
44225 12 Mile Road l Novi, MI 48377 l o: 800.690.7655 x 4122 l f: 724.227.1301
Donation Requests, Sponsorships & Marketing Proposals?

The information contained in this message and any attachments (collectively, the "Transmission") from Dick's Sporting Goods, Inc. or one of its subsidiaries contains confidential information and is intended solely for the named recipient(s). If you are not a named recipient, you are prohibited from copying, distributing or using this Transmission. Please contact the sender immediately by returning the e-mail and deleting the original Transmission.     

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Player Fees Past Due

Thanks to those of you who have paid your player fees already, you can disregard this email.  We have received the fees for 155 players.  If you have not paid your fees yet (we are still waiting for fees for 46 players) this is a reminder that the fees are now past due.  This is also a reminder that a $15 late fee will be imposed on March 10th
Also, we have not received player fees from 18 Tier-2 players.  The Tier-2 teams start practice this weekend and the fees must be paid in order for your son to participate in practice.  If there are extenuating circumstances preventing you from paying, please contact myself, our Treasurer Adrianne Clark (, or any board member ASAP.
We prefer that you DO NOT give your player fees to the coaches.  This is not because we don’t trust them, it is because it is not their job to mess with the payments, and they have enough to do!  If you pay your coach, it is just passing the buck to them to get us your payment.  If you’ve delayed and need to hand deliver a check this weekend, contact us.  There will be board members around during Tier-2 practices at Capital City Baseball Kingdom (with their boys) so we can arrange a meeting.  Also, DO NOT give checks to CCBK staff. 
If your boy isn’t going to play now, please let us know ASAP.  We have kids on waiting lists in each age division that would love to fill your spot.
I’m asking if you can help us out also.  When you look at your full roster data (after logging in as a coach) you can see which parents have paid their fees or not.  Can you individually email them and let them know they are not been marked down as paid?  And if you have a Tier-2 team, that also means they won’t be able to practice until fees are paid. They may not realize, as they may not be on my email list, or perhaps their payment got lost or didn’t process correctly.  This would help us out a lot. 
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Monday, March 4, 2013

Notes from MMPL meeting

To Coaches (and any parents interested).  See below notes from the Mason PONY League meeting a few weeks ago... Thanks to John Price for attending and taking great notes. 
2013 PONY Bat Rules
Rule 8 C (2) Equipment: Only 2-1/4" barrel non-wood bats which are manufactured to achieve a Bat Performance Factor (BPF) of 1.15 or less through the life of the bat are approved fro play in PONY Baseball divisions.  Effective January 1, 2012, all newly manufactured non-wood bats must be stamped "approved for play in PONY Baseball" and stamped with "BPF 1.15"  and the year manufactured.
Rule 8 C (3) Equipment: Effective January 1, 2012, all minus (-) 3 (drop 3) bats must be BBCOR certified.  The bat which may be wood or non-wood product shall be not more than two and five-eights (2-5/8") in diameter at the barrel and shall be a smooth implement from the top of the cap to the top of the knob.  All non-wood bats shall meet the Ball-Bat Coefficient of Restitution (BBCOR) testing protocol maintaining the length-to-weight difference of 0.50 limit regardless of length.  All BBCOR approved bats shall be labeled with a silk screen or other permanent certification mark. (NOTE: 2 3/4" bats are prohibited in all PONY sanctioned leagues)
From Tom O'Connor at PONY:
  • 2 3/4" barrel bats are ILLEGAL in all divisions
  • 2 5/8" barrel bats are LEGAL in all divisions.  If a 2 5/8" bat is a -3, it must be BBCOR certified.  Currently there is not a testing protocol for -5, -7, -9, etc, they are LEGAL.
  • 2 1/4" bats are LEGAL in all divisions if they are manufactured to a Bat Performance Factor (BPF) of 1.15 or less.  In addition, the bat must be labeled "approved for play in PONY Baseball" and stamped "BPF 1.15" and the year manufactured.  Recognizing that some bats may not have the year manufactured on the bat, it still must have BPF 1.15 stamped on the bat.
  • Wood bats are legal in all divisions with a barrel no larger than 2 5/8"
  • Bat material is factored into the BPF testing protocol as well as the BBCOR testing protocol.  Subsequently, as long as the aforementioned "marks" are on the bat that is the indication they have passed the appropriate testing protocol and are approved for play in PONY baseball
The following bats have been BBCOR decertified after initially being certified.  They are ILLEGAL!
Reebok Vector TLS 32-inch model
Reebok Vector TLS 33-inch model
Marucci CAT5 33-inch model
Marucci CAT5 34-inch model
Marucci Black 33-inch model
Marucci Black 34-inch model
Nike - CX2-BTO636 (light grey)
Nike - CX2-BTO573 (dark grey)
Nike - CX2-BTO598 (blue)
The following bats have been BPF decertified after initially being certified.  They are ILLEGAL!
Louisville Slugger (Hillerich & Bradsby) TPX Dynasty - 12 bat (Model - YB12D - black/red/grey)
Mattingly Balistk (Model: BTKYB) Blue
We should probably post this on our web site and send it out to all of the coaches.
Time limit has been removed this year.  If there is no game following the game being played, all innings are to be played.  This applies to all divisions and all levels.  Games can be called short due to darkness.  If there is a game following the current game on the same field, time limits will still be used in these cases.  (personal note: this rule will make for some very long lower level U10 games)
Umpire Rule
If the hosting team doesn't supply t wo umpires for the game, the money for the second umpire goes to the visiting team.
End of Season Tournament
This year, the tournament will be an official PONY league sanctioned tournament.  The tournament is NOT a qualifier for regional tournaments at this time.  There can only be 2 pick-up players per team.
Everything else was pretty much the same as last year.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

HJRB 2013 Sponsorship Program

Please find attached a message from Sponsorship Chairman Noel Heikkinen regarding HJRB's 2013 sponsorship program.  This is a great way to reduce your son's player fees.  
The deadline for the player fees is technically tomorrow, March 1, but since this is a little late getting out to everyone, we will extend that to March 5th.  However the $15 late fees will still be applied if payment is not received by March 10th.  If you think you can line up a sponsor or two and have already paid, we will work something out.  
*Important* If you have a boy on a Tier-2 team, you must make sure their payment is made before indoor practices start, on March 9th.  If their fees are not paid they may not be allowed to practice.  
I will be providing the coaches with their indoor practice time slots today so they can forward on to their teams.  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

teams are posted

As some of you have seen, I have posted the teams on the website. 
If you've registered on the site you will be asked for some simple authentication when you try to look at a roster. If it does ask you to authenticate, you should be then taken to the team your boy was placed on.  Player placement is based on evaluation scores.  
Please  note, teams that are posted may change if kids drop out.  If this happens, we may need to adjust teams slightly.  

*** Tier-2 teams, indoor practices start March 9th.  It is especially important that you pay on time!! ***
You can pay via check or credit card.  If you pay via check, please print off the remittance page on the website and mail it to the address indicated (to our treasurer).  If you pay via credit card, you can do so also on the site.  You will need to create a Google account if you don’t already have one as they process our payments (HJRB does not collect any of the credit card information).  There is a 2% convenience fee we apply if you use a credit card; this helps cover part of the credit card fees that we have to pay to offer this service.
As a convenience (and by popular demand), we are again offering the option of purchasing an additional pair of pants at our cost of $15 each.  This is great for those games on back-to-back days and for tournaments.  The site is only configured to allow one extra pair per player.  If you want additional pairs, email me.  We will order the size that you either wrote down during evaluations or that was put on the registration form. 
You can click the payment link from the website or jump directly to the payment form via this link:  
If you don’t know what team(s) you’re assigned to, checkout the TEAMS tab on the website. 

Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site: 
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Friday, February 8, 2013

Eval Makeup Tonight - New Location!!

Sorry to email this to everyone but I wanted to make sure I didn't miss anyone.  
If you're boy missed the evaluations last weekend and you were planning on taking him to the make-up session tonight, we had to move the location due to the snowday today.  We can't get access to the school.

The time is still 7pm, but you will meet HS Varsity Coach Nate Potts at the Capital City Baseball Kingdom facility.  Remember to bring $10. Pay this to Coach Potts, not the CCBK staff.  
If you boy made it to at least one of the sessions last weekend, you DO NOT need to take him to this make-up.  This is only for those kids that missed both days.  
Capital City Baseball Kingdom 
2000 Gary Avenue 
Lansing, Michigan 48906 
7:00 (should be done between 8:00 and 8:30pm)  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday Indoor Baseball

Reminder.  This is a great opportunity to get some batting cage time or even toss around the ball!  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  
-----Original Message-----
From: "Brian Kayser [HJRB]" <>
To: "mailing.list List Member"  <>
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2013 23:22:35 -0500
Subject: Thursday Indoor Baseball

Last year we utilized Capital City Baseball Kingdom for some winter workouts.  They have agreed to let us use their facility again this year for the same $5 per kid on Thursdays starting this week (1-24-13).  This is another good way to help shake off the rust.  
HJRB players will have the turf field available to use, as well as 2 or 3 of the batting cages.  We will need some volunteer parents to feed balls into the pitching machine.  Kids take turns in the cages, maybe taking 10 - 15 balls before switching. This is just loosely organized with little supervision.  It would be nice if someone that is familiar with what we did last year would step up and help out.  There may not even be any HJRB board members or coaches onsite.  Just step in and help yourselves.  
So this will be every Thursday from this week until the end of February.  Our time is 7:00pm until 8:30pm.  It's an open format so you can just show up anytime within that window to have your boy take a few swings, or bring your mitts and toss the ball around in the turf area. 
Here is the address:
Capital City Baseball Kingdom 
2000 Gary Avenue 
Lansing, Michigan 48906 
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Just a few things...
  1. If you attended Bootcamp and did not get your shirt, let me know what size you need.  Even if we noted your name this weekend, please still email me so we don't miss anyone. 
  2. If you attended evaluations but we didn't have your boy's name on the check-in sheet we will need you to (re)-register him. Use this link:  REGISTER
  3. If you're boy didn't make either evaluation day this past weekend, we are having a make-up THIS Friday the 8th.  This will be at 7pm at the Ninth Grade Campus.  Head up to the batting cages in the balcony of the Gym.  Look for the High School head coach Nate Potts.  He will collect your $10 evaluation fee also. 
  4. Teams will be formed and posted by February 17 or sooner.  At this time you will know which Tier he was placed on.  If you only selected Tier-1, then he will be on a Tier-1 team.  However if you picked Tier-2, there are only so many slots, and he may get placed on a Tier-1 team if his scores were not high enough.  We form as many Tier-2 teams as we can though. 
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lost Bat

If someone picked up a red back and white Easton bat yesterday by mistake, please leave it with HJRB staff today.  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Thursday, January 31, 2013

HJRB Evaluations this weekend.

Holt Jr. Rams Baseball player evaluations are this weekend (Feb 2 & 3)
Have you registered your boy??
The sessions are limited to 50 kids and they are filling up.  In fact the 11am sessions on Saturday and Sunday are already full.  If you haven’t registered, do so soon!
The kids will be broken down into smaller groups and rotate around to five stations (similar to the bootcamp).  The group sizes will be from 4 - 14 kids with most of the groups around 8 - 10 kids; depending on which time slot your attending.  Make sure your boy gets a bib-number and a group assignment before leaving the checkout table. 
Just like last year, Parents will not be allowed inside the gym as was allowed in Bootcamp.  This is mainly because it gets too crowded/chaotic and becomes a big distraction for the boys.
  • $10 cash is due at the door – this covers both days.  If you can only attend one day, it is still $10.
  • Session start times each day are 9am, 11am, 1pm and 3pm.   Attend the sessions you selected.
  • PLEASE arrive 15 - 20 minutes before your session’s start time to pay and get checked in!! They will be starting on time!
  • Each player will be given a bib-number and safety pins that a parent will need to pin to the shirt. 
  • Do not wear cleats!  Wear gym shoes  (better yet, wear boots or outdoor shoes and change into dry gym shoes at the school)
  • Wear a cup and bring your ball mitt.
  • If you have them, bring your bat, batting helmet, and batting gloves. There will be an area set aside to store bat bags.
  • Please no food and no sunflower seeds!!
  • These Evaluations are conducted completely by the Holt high school baseball coaching staff with assistance from many of the high school players. Only the adult coaching staff will be doing the actual visual evaluation and determination of the scoring.  
Also - after one of your evaluations, please stop by the uniform sizing table which will be down the hall by the cafeteria.  There your boy can try on jerseys, pants, and hats to find his exact size.  This will greatly help us ensure your boy is fitted with the proper sizes.  There may be someone there to help but it will mainly be self-serve and you will need to fill-in the sizes on the provided sheets.  
If you attended bootcamp and did not get your shirt, we will have them this weekend.

Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  
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Friday, January 25, 2013


HJRB Parents,
Our 3rd annual BOOTCAMP is right around the corner now… tomorrow (Saturday!)  Thanks to everyone for the enthusiastic response to it.  We've had record sign-ups with over 120 kids registered for it!!   Online sign-ups will be turned off around 7pm tonight.  If you can still get to the registration page your good, if you can't… you’re too late.  We will take walk-ins at the door but the fee will be $45.
Please note: signing up for BOOTCAMP does not register your player for the 2013 season.  This is a separate sign-up process that is now available on the website. 

For those signed up for Bootcamp:

  • PLEASE arrive 15 – 20 minutes before your start time to pay and get checked in!! They will be starting on time!
  • Make sure you get a name tag, it will have your group number on it so you know which station you will start at.  You will stay with that group the entire time, rotating from station to station. 
  • Do not wear cleats!  Wear gym shoes (or boots and change into dry shoes at the school, there will be snow)
  • Wear a cup!!
  • Bring your ball mitt of course.  Also, if you have them, bring your bat, batting helmet, batting gloves, catchers gear, etc.  There will be an area set aside to store bat bags.
  • You can change into your bootcamp shirt if you want, but it is not required.
  • Please no sunflower seeds!!
  • There will be limited seating for parents available.  Please no young children in seating area if possible. It will be crowded.  
 Here is an example of the rotation (Your actual station rotation will depend on which group you are assigned and may vary from this example):
5 min               Introduction by H.S. Varsity Coach Nate Potts to all camp participants
10 min              Stretch / Warm Ups
20 min              Batting Cages
20 min              Throwing with optional Pitching/Catching
20 min              Outfield
20 min              Infield
20 min              Tee’s
5 min               Camp Wrap up with all camp participants
If you signed up after January 20 we will not have a shirt for you at the camp, it can be picked up during evaluations. 
Thanks again, and we’ll see a lot of you on Saturday!!!
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball Board
Web Site: