Please find attached a message from Sponsorship Chairman Noel Heikkinen regarding HJRB's 2013 sponsorship program. This is a great way to reduce your son's player fees.
The deadline for the player fees is technically tomorrow, March 1, but since this is a little late getting out to everyone, we will extend that to March 5th. However the $15 late fees will still be applied if payment is not received by March 10th. If you think you can line up a sponsor or two and have already paid, we will work something out.
*Important* If you have a boy on a Tier-2 team, you must make sure their payment is made before indoor practices start, on March 9th. If their fees are not paid they may not be allowed to practice.
I will be providing the coaches with their indoor practice time slots today so they can forward on to their teams.
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
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