Thursday, February 28, 2013

HJRB 2013 Sponsorship Program

Please find attached a message from Sponsorship Chairman Noel Heikkinen regarding HJRB's 2013 sponsorship program.  This is a great way to reduce your son's player fees.  
The deadline for the player fees is technically tomorrow, March 1, but since this is a little late getting out to everyone, we will extend that to March 5th.  However the $15 late fees will still be applied if payment is not received by March 10th.  If you think you can line up a sponsor or two and have already paid, we will work something out.  
*Important* If you have a boy on a Tier-2 team, you must make sure their payment is made before indoor practices start, on March 9th.  If their fees are not paid they may not be allowed to practice.  
I will be providing the coaches with their indoor practice time slots today so they can forward on to their teams.  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

teams are posted

As some of you have seen, I have posted the teams on the website. 
If you've registered on the site you will be asked for some simple authentication when you try to look at a roster. If it does ask you to authenticate, you should be then taken to the team your boy was placed on.  Player placement is based on evaluation scores.  
Please  note, teams that are posted may change if kids drop out.  If this happens, we may need to adjust teams slightly.  

*** Tier-2 teams, indoor practices start March 9th.  It is especially important that you pay on time!! ***
You can pay via check or credit card.  If you pay via check, please print off the remittance page on the website and mail it to the address indicated (to our treasurer).  If you pay via credit card, you can do so also on the site.  You will need to create a Google account if you don’t already have one as they process our payments (HJRB does not collect any of the credit card information).  There is a 2% convenience fee we apply if you use a credit card; this helps cover part of the credit card fees that we have to pay to offer this service.
As a convenience (and by popular demand), we are again offering the option of purchasing an additional pair of pants at our cost of $15 each.  This is great for those games on back-to-back days and for tournaments.  The site is only configured to allow one extra pair per player.  If you want additional pairs, email me.  We will order the size that you either wrote down during evaluations or that was put on the registration form. 
You can click the payment link from the website or jump directly to the payment form via this link:  
If you don’t know what team(s) you’re assigned to, checkout the TEAMS tab on the website. 

Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site: 
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Friday, February 8, 2013

Eval Makeup Tonight - New Location!!

Sorry to email this to everyone but I wanted to make sure I didn't miss anyone.  
If you're boy missed the evaluations last weekend and you were planning on taking him to the make-up session tonight, we had to move the location due to the snowday today.  We can't get access to the school.

The time is still 7pm, but you will meet HS Varsity Coach Nate Potts at the Capital City Baseball Kingdom facility.  Remember to bring $10. Pay this to Coach Potts, not the CCBK staff.  
If you boy made it to at least one of the sessions last weekend, you DO NOT need to take him to this make-up.  This is only for those kids that missed both days.  
Capital City Baseball Kingdom 
2000 Gary Avenue 
Lansing, Michigan 48906 
7:00 (should be done between 8:00 and 8:30pm)  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday Indoor Baseball

Reminder.  This is a great opportunity to get some batting cage time or even toss around the ball!  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  
-----Original Message-----
From: "Brian Kayser [HJRB]" <>
To: "mailing.list List Member"  <>
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2013 23:22:35 -0500
Subject: Thursday Indoor Baseball

Last year we utilized Capital City Baseball Kingdom for some winter workouts.  They have agreed to let us use their facility again this year for the same $5 per kid on Thursdays starting this week (1-24-13).  This is another good way to help shake off the rust.  
HJRB players will have the turf field available to use, as well as 2 or 3 of the batting cages.  We will need some volunteer parents to feed balls into the pitching machine.  Kids take turns in the cages, maybe taking 10 - 15 balls before switching. This is just loosely organized with little supervision.  It would be nice if someone that is familiar with what we did last year would step up and help out.  There may not even be any HJRB board members or coaches onsite.  Just step in and help yourselves.  
So this will be every Thursday from this week until the end of February.  Our time is 7:00pm until 8:30pm.  It's an open format so you can just show up anytime within that window to have your boy take a few swings, or bring your mitts and toss the ball around in the turf area. 
Here is the address:
Capital City Baseball Kingdom 
2000 Gary Avenue 
Lansing, Michigan 48906 
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Just a few things...
  1. If you attended Bootcamp and did not get your shirt, let me know what size you need.  Even if we noted your name this weekend, please still email me so we don't miss anyone. 
  2. If you attended evaluations but we didn't have your boy's name on the check-in sheet we will need you to (re)-register him. Use this link:  REGISTER
  3. If you're boy didn't make either evaluation day this past weekend, we are having a make-up THIS Friday the 8th.  This will be at 7pm at the Ninth Grade Campus.  Head up to the batting cages in the balcony of the Gym.  Look for the High School head coach Nate Potts.  He will collect your $10 evaluation fee also. 
  4. Teams will be formed and posted by February 17 or sooner.  At this time you will know which Tier he was placed on.  If you only selected Tier-1, then he will be on a Tier-1 team.  However if you picked Tier-2, there are only so many slots, and he may get placed on a Tier-1 team if his scores were not high enough.  We form as many Tier-2 teams as we can though. 
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site:  

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lost Bat

If someone picked up a red back and white Easton bat yesterday by mistake, please leave it with HJRB staff today.  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
Web Site: