Thursday, December 1, 2011

Reminder: HJRB Board Meeting Dec 1

Tonight is our HJRB board meeting.  It will be at the High School in room W113.  We will start at 7pm
A few things we will be doing / discussing:
  • Elections for President, Vice-President, and Treasurer.  Myself, Tom Barger, and Ramona Butterson are willing to run for re-election for the 2-year term.  If anyone is interested in running for any of the positions please come.  As this is short notice, if you are interested in one of the positions and can not make it tonight please let me know and we'll  postpone until next meeting. 
  • Have open discussion on how last season went and go over financials
  • We have money in the bank, we will discuss what projects and improvements we would like to tackle this coming year
  • We will discuss the 2012 season.  Team formats, bootcamp, evaluations, tournaments, indoor training options, costs, uniforms, etc...
  • Fundraising - we've done pretty good raising money without having to sell stuff door to door and to grandma and grandpa, we'll discuss any changes or other options for 2012. 
Plus much more :)
I hope to see a lot of you there to help continue to shape the HJRB program!  Don't be left out!  What we decide tonight will be what we do for 2012.
If you have friends and/or neighbors that are new to HJRB and are thinking of having their kids participate this year, please forward this info.  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
-----Original Message-----
From: "Brian Kayser [HJRB]" <>
To: "mailing.list List Member"  <>
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 21:20:44 -0500
Subject: Save the Date: HJRB Board Meeting Dec 1

Baseball Families,
We are planning on having a Holt Jr. Rams Baseball board meeting Thursday December 1st at 7pm.  We don't have a location finalized yet but will communicate that as soon as we know, as well as a rough agenda.  
Please save the date, we'd love to see you there to talk about the 2012 season!!  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Re: Save the Date: HJRB Board Meeting Dec 1

Please be advised that we have reserved room W113 at the Holt High School for the HJRB meeting this Thursday, December 1st @ 7:00 p.m.  Hope to you see you there!!!  Thanks!

-----Original Message-----
From: "Brian Kayser [HJRB]" <>
To: "mailing.list List Member"  <>
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 21:20:44 -0500
Subject: Save the Date: HJRB Board Meeting Dec 1

Baseball Families,
We are planning on having a Holt Jr. Rams Baseball board meeting Thursday December 1st at 7pm.  We don't have a location finalized yet but will communicate that as soon as we know, as well as a rough agenda.  
Please save the date, we'd love to see you there to talk about the 2012 season!!  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Save the Date: HJRB Board Meeting Dec 1

Baseball Families,
We are planning on having a Holt Jr. Rams Baseball board meeting Thursday December 1st at 7pm.  We don't have a location finalized yet but will communicate that as soon as we know, as well as a rough agenda.  
Please save the date, we'd love to see you there to talk about the 2012 season!!  
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Re: Concession Stand Assistance Still Needed

 Hello everyone....we are still in need of assistance with the concession stand for the next two Sundays (10/2 and 10/9) for the Wooden Bat League.  If you are able to work anytime during the next two Sundays, please let me know as we would appreciate any assistance that can be offered. 
If you have not had a chance to experience a Sunday at the Elliot Field is a great atmosphere!!  We start the morning off with the National Anthem over the PA System and all players line up on the baselines....a great site to see!! Then throughout the day there are 16 games that get played!!!  The concession stand gets very busy during the double headers and all the proceeds will go back into the HJRB if you are able to help out, please let me know.
A big "thank you" to all of you who have volunteered your time over the past four Sunday's.....we appreciate your assistance and Teamwork for the HJRB program!!
-----Original Message-----
From: "Ramona Butterson" <>
To: "mailing.list List Member"  <>
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 13:10:28 -0400
Subject: Concession Stand Help

HJRB Parents:
As many of you may know, there is a Fall Wooden Bat League that is organized by the Charlotte Baseball Club and HJRB has been selected again this year to host games for this league. Please note that there are five Holt teams that are playing in the league (teams are not affiliated with HJRB but it is great to see so many HJRB players participating). This is a great opportunity for the HJRB program as the concession stand will need to be open since there will be approximately 16 games (4 at each field) being played at the Elliot Baseball complex each Sunday.
In order for us to open the concession stands, we will need to ask for volunteers. We recognize that everyone is busy; however, we do hope that many of you will be able to volunteer for 2 or 3 hours.    The sales generated from the concession stand will go right back into the HJRB program. This is a great way for the program to earn money without having to do “fundraisers”. 
The first games are set to start this Sunday, August 27th and therefore if you are able to work this Sunday, please let me know. The concession stand will be open from 9:30 a.m. to approximately 6:00 p.m. each Sunday. There will not be games during Labor Day weekend but they will again resume for the next 5 Sundays (9/11, 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9). I will be creating a calendar to ensure we have adequate coverage for each Sunday. 
For those of you that have a son playing in the league, it would be greatly appreciated if you could work before or after their game one Sunday. Again, we appreciate everyone who volunteers… we know your time is valuable.
If you are able to work any of the Sundays (8/27, 9/11, 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9), please send me an email with the date, the timeframe you can work and a contact number. Again, thank you for your time.
Ramona Butterson
HJRB Treasurer

Friday, September 16, 2011

Need field prep kids - Could earn $20 or $40

We need kids (or adults) to help with field prep for some of the Wooden Bat League games in Holt this Sunday.  Kids will get paid $20 per time slot and could work both time slots for $40.  
Time Slot 1:    9:00am to approximately 12:30pm (prep for two game times)
Time Slot 2:    1:30pm to approximately  5:00pm (prep for two game times)

Time Slot 1 will prep for the 10am and 12pm games.  This includes pulling equipment out of the storage building and delivering to the fields before the first games. 
Time Slot 2 will prep for the 2pm and 4pm games.  This includes putting away equipment after the final field prep.  
Ideally the kids will work in two person teams and prep two of the four fields before each game time.  The first prep of the day will require full chalking (an adult will drag all the fields prior).  Subsequent field preps will basically be touch-ups, just some raking, redoing the batters box, and redoing the foul lines as needed.  Not too hard, we just don't have much time between games (15 minutes or less).  
If a kid wants to work and hangout all day (both time slots), we will provide them lunch at the concession stand also (Hot Dog, Drink, Chips or Popcorn). 
Please email me back ASAP if you have a kid interested. 
Brian Kayser
Cell 517-202-3095

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Re: Concession Stand Assistance Still Needed

Hi....we have only received one volunteer thus far for Sunday, September 11th and need about 4 or 5 more (it gets very busy between games).  If you are able to help for any 2 hour timeframe it would be greatly appreciated.  Again, this is a good revenue maker for the program without having to do typical "fundraisers".  Please let me know if you are able to assist on Sunday, September 11th as we are very short on help for this Sunday.  Thank you for your time.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Ramona Butterson" <>
To: "mailing.list List Member"  <>
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 13:10:28 -0400
Subject: Concession Stand Help

HJRB Parents:
As many of you may know, there is a Fall Wooden Bat League that is organized by the Charlotte Baseball Club and HJRB has been selected again this year to host games for this league. Please note that there are five Holt teams that are playing in the league (teams are not affiliated with HJRB but it is great to see so many HJRB players participating). This is a great opportunity for the HJRB program as the concession stand will need to be open since there will be approximately 16 games (4 at each field) being played at the Elliot Baseball complex each Sunday.
In order for us to open the concession stands, we will need to ask for volunteers. We recognize that everyone is busy; however, we do hope that many of you will be able to volunteer for 2 or 3 hours.    The sales generated from the concession stand will go right back into the HJRB program. This is a great way for the program to earn money without having to do “fundraisers”. 
The first games are set to start this Sunday, August 27th and therefore if you are able to work this Sunday, please let me know. The concession stand will be open from 9:30 a.m. to approximately 6:00 p.m. each Sunday. There will not be games during Labor Day weekend but they will again resume for the next 5 Sundays (9/11, 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9). I will be creating a calendar to ensure we have adequate coverage for each Sunday. 
For those of you that have a son playing in the league, it would be greatly appreciated if you could work before or after their game one Sunday. Again, we appreciate everyone who volunteers… we know your time is valuable.
If you are able to work any of the Sundays (8/27, 9/11, 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9), please send me an email with the date, the timeframe you can work and a contact number. Again, thank you for your time.
Ramona Butterson
HJRB Treasurer

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Concession Stand Help

HJRB Parents:
As many of you may know, there is a Fall Wooden Bat League that is organized by the Charlotte Baseball Club and HJRB has been selected again this year to host games for this league. Please note that there are five Holt teams that are playing in the league (teams are not affiliated with HJRB but it is great to see so many HJRB players participating). This is a great opportunity for the HJRB program as the concession stand will need to be open since there will be approximately 16 games (4 at each field) being played at the Elliot Baseball complex each Sunday.
In order for us to open the concession stands, we will need to ask for volunteers. We recognize that everyone is busy; however, we do hope that many of you will be able to volunteer for 2 or 3 hours.    The sales generated from the concession stand will go right back into the HJRB program. This is a great way for the program to earn money without having to do “fundraisers”. 
The first games are set to start this Sunday, August 27th and therefore if you are able to work this Sunday, please let me know. The concession stand will be open from 9:30 a.m. to approximately 6:00 p.m. each Sunday. There will not be games during Labor Day weekend but they will again resume for the next 5 Sundays (9/11, 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9). I will be creating a calendar to ensure we have adequate coverage for each Sunday. 
For those of you that have a son playing in the league, it would be greatly appreciated if you could work before or after their game one Sunday. Again, we appreciate everyone who volunteers… we know your time is valuable.
If you are able to work any of the Sundays (8/27, 9/11, 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9), please send me an email with the date, the timeframe you can work and a contact number. Again, thank you for your time.
Ramona Butterson
HJRB Treasurer

Friday, July 15, 2011

Update Concessions / Field Prep

Thanks to all who volunteered.  I have the concession slots filled up!  
I could still use one or two adults and/or players to help with field prep Saturday morning around 10:45/11am (for 1 game slot / 2 fields) and also for Crew 5, Sunday 2pm and 5pm if needed.  Don't worry if you haven't done it before I'll have someone out to provide guidance.  
I know it's late Friday... but please Email me (I get email on my phone) or call me in the morning... 517-202-3095 if you can help.
From: Brian Kayser [HJRB] <>
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 4:34 PM
Subject: HELP! Concessions / Field Prep

Hello all,
I still need help filling slots.  I know the season is over for a lot of you and vacations are starting, but out of 180 families I’m sure some of you will be around and we can fill these slots!!! 
Come-on… it’s pretty easy and fun!!  I’ll be out there as much as I can but my boy is playing and unfortunately his games will all be in Mason this weekend!  If I don’t get the volunteers I will have to miss his games and work the gaps myself L 
This is what is left open still:
Shift 3: Sat 12:00am - 2:00pm
Shift 5: Sat 6:15pm - 8:45pm 
Shift 7: Sun 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Shift 8: Sun 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Shift 9: Sun 5:00pm - 7:30pm (if necessary)
FIELD PREP (drag or rake field / chalk foul lines and batters box).   Best to have at least two in each crew.
Crew 1: Saturday U12 - 8am - 11am (prep for 9am and 11:30am games)
Crew 4: Sunday U14 - anytime before 11am (prep for noon game)
Crew 5: Sunday U14 - 2pm - 5pm (prep for 3pm and possible 5:30pm games) 

From: Brian Kayser [HJRB] <>
To: victoriasnyder0085 <>
Sent: Thu, July 14, 2011 12:05:26 AM
Subject: Concessions / Field Prep - Still need some help
Thanks to everyone that volunteered for the Tuesday through Friday concession slots!!!
I still need a lot of helpers for Saturday and Sunday though!!   Please step-up and help out your HJRB club (have your baseball player help!).  
For concessions we will need at least one helper for the following slots.  If these slots don't fit your schedule just let me know what will work for you...
Shift 1: Sat 9:00am - 11:00am
Shift 2: Sat 10:30am - 12:30pm
Shift 3: Sat 12:00am - 2:00pm
  Sat 2:00pm - 4:00pm (closed - no games)
Shift 4: Sat 4:00pm - 6:30pm
Shift 5: Sat 6:15pm - 8:45pm 
Shift 6: Sun 11:00am - 1:00pm
Shift 7: Sun 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Shift 8: Sun 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Shift 9: Sun 5:00pm - 7:30pm (this shift may not be necessary / depends on outcome of 3pm game)
FIELD PREP (drag or rake field / chalk foul lines and batters box).   Best to have at least two in each crew.
Crew 1: Saturday U12 - 8am - 11am (prep for 9am and 11:30am games)
Crew 2: Saturday U14 - 8am - 11am  (prep for 9am and 11:30am games)
Crew 3: Saturday U14 - 3pm - 6:30pm  (prep for 4:30pm and 6:45pm games)
Crew 4: Sunday U14 - anytime before 11am (prep for noon game)
Crew 5: Sunday U14 - 2pm - 5pm (prep for 3pm and possible 5:30pm games) 
Please let me know what shift (or shifts) you'd be willing to help out with and how many helpers you will be bringing.  If multiple shift will work for you please list them all (but then tell me if you want to work just one... or if you're willing to work any/all shifts if needed).  
For field prep, please let me know which Crew(s) work best for you and how many helpers you'll have.  If you can work multiple shifts please let me know that also.  
Please let me know ASAP!
-----Original Message-----
From: "Brian Kayser [HJRB]" <>
To: "mailing.list List Member"  <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2011 09:19:38 -0400
Subject: Concessions / Field Prep Help
Since we have one of the nicer U14 fields around, we were selected as the host community for the Mason PONY Non-Travel-Team End-of-Season U14 tournament.  This is a tournament for teams in Division D and below that played in the Mason PONY league.  This means will are hosting 11 or 12 games from Monday July 11 through Sunday July 17.   We are also hosting tournament games for some of the U12 games as well (6 games).
We are looking for concession stand helpers Tuesday – Sunday (July 12 – 17).  Weekday games will be at 6:30pm.  Saturday the 16th we will need helpers from 8:30am until about 8:30pm.  Sunday the 17th we will need helpers from 11:30am until at least 5:00pm.  There is an optional “if needed” game at 5:30pm also. 
Also – we will need to do field prep on Saturday and Sunday.  It would be great to get a crew of older kids to do this with maybe a parent or two to supervise.  This will involve dragging and/or raking the fields between games, and doing the chalk lines.   On down time they can watch the games or possibly walk the “concession wagon” around. 
Please email me ASAP if you can help (and when).  Our club makes money off this from concession sales. 
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball

HELP! Concessions / Field Prep

Hello all,

I still need help filling slots.  I know the season is over for a lot of you and vacations are starting, but out of 180 families I'm sure some of you will be around and we can fill these slots!!! 


Come-on… it's pretty easy and fun!!  I'll be out there as much as I can but my boy is playing and unfortunately his games will all be in Mason this weekend!  If I don't get the volunteers I will have to miss his games and work the gaps myself L 


This is what is left open still:


Shift 3: Sat 12:00am - 2:00pm

Shift 5: Sat 6:15pm - 8:45pm 

Shift 7: Sun 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Shift 8: Sun 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Shift 9: Sun 5:00pm - 7:30pm (if necessary)


FIELD PREP (drag or rake field / chalk foul lines and batters box).  Best to have at least two in each crew.

Crew 1: Saturday U12 - 8am - 11am (prep for 9am and 11:30am games)

Crew 4: Sunday U14 - anytime before 11am (prep for noon game)

Crew 5: Sunday U14 - 2pm - 5pm (prep for 3pm and possible 5:30pm games) 


From: Brian Kayser [HJRB] <>
To: victoriasnyder0085 <>
Sent: Thu, July 14, 2011 12:05:26 AM
Subject: Concessions / Field Prep - Still need some help

Thanks to everyone that volunteered for the Tuesday through Friday concession slots!!!


I still need a lot of helpers for Saturday and Sunday though!!  Please step-up and help out your HJRB club (have your baseball player help!).  


For concessions we will need at least one helper for the following slots.  If these slots don't fit your schedule just let me know what will work for you...

Shift 1: Sat 9:00am - 11:00am

Shift 2: Sat 10:30am - 12:30pm

Shift 3: Sat 12:00am - 2:00pm

  Sat 2:00pm - 4:00pm (closed - no games)

Shift 4: Sat 4:00pm - 6:30pm

Shift 5: Sat 6:15pm - 8:45pm 


Shift 6: Sun 11:00am - 1:00pm

Shift 7: Sun 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Shift 8: Sun 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Shift 9: Sun 5:00pm - 7:30pm (this shift may not be necessary / depends on outcome of 3pm game)


FIELD PREP (drag or rake field / chalk foul lines and batters box).  Best to have at least two in each crew.

Crew 1: Saturday U12 - 8am - 11am (prep for 9am and 11:30am games)

Crew 2: Saturday U14 - 8am - 11am  (prep for 9am and 11:30am games)

Crew 3: Saturday U14 - 3pm - 6:30pm  (prep for 4:30pm and 6:45pm games)

Crew 4: Sunday U14 - anytime before 11am (prep for noon game)

Crew 5: Sunday U14 - 2pm - 5pm (prep for 3pm and possible 5:30pm games) 

Please let me know what shift (or shifts) you'd be willing to help out with and how many helpers you will be bringing.  If multiple shift will work for you please list them all (but then tell me if you want to work just one... or if you're willing to work any/all shifts if needed).  


For field prep, please let me know which Crew(s) work best for you and how many helpers you'll have.  If you can work multiple shifts please let me know that also.  


Please let me know ASAP!



-----Original Message-----
From: "Brian Kayser [HJRB]" <>
To: "mailing.list List Member"  <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2011 09:19:38 -0400
Subject: Concessions / Field Prep Help


Since we have one of the nicer U14 fields around, we were selected as the host community for the Mason PONY Non-Travel-Team End-of-Season U14 tournament.  This is a tournament for teams in Division D and below that played in the Mason PONY league.  This means will are hosting 11 or 12 games from Monday July 11 through Sunday July 17.   We are also hosting tournament games for some of the U12 games as well (6 games).


We are looking for concession stand helpers Tuesday – Sunday (July 12 – 17).  Weekday games will be at 6:30pm.  Saturday the 16th we will need helpers from 8:30am until about 8:30pm.  Sunday the 17th we will need helpers from 11:30am until at least 5:00pm.  There is an optional "if needed" game at 5:30pm also. 


Also – we will need to do field prep on Saturday and Sunday.  It would be great to get a crew of older kids to do this with maybe a parent or two to supervise.  This will involve dragging and/or raking the fields between games, and doing the chalk lines.   On down time they can watch the games or possibly walk the "concession wagon" around. 


Please email me ASAP if you can help (and when).  Our club makes money off this from concession sales. 




Brian Kayser, President

Holt Jr. Rams Baseball


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Concessions / Field Prep - Still need some help

Thanks to everyone that volunteered for the Tuesday through Friday concession slots!!!
I still need a lot of helpers for Saturday and Sunday though!!  Please step-up and help out your HJRB club (have your baseball player help!).  
For concessions we will need at least one helper for the following slots.  If these slots don't fit your schedule just let me know what will work for you...
Shift 1: Sat 9:00am - 11:00am
Shift 2: Sat 10:30am - 12:30pm
Shift 3: Sat 12:00am - 2:00pm
  Sat 2:00pm - 4:00pm (closed - no games)
Shift 4: Sat 4:00pm - 6:30pm
Shift 5: Sat 6:15pm - 8:45pm 
Shift 6: Sun 11:00am - 1:00pm
Shift 7: Sun 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Shift 8: Sun 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Shift 9: Sun 5:00pm - 7:30pm (this shift may not be necessary / depends on outcome of 3pm game)
FIELD PREP (drag or rake field / chalk foul lines and batters box).  Best to have at least two in each crew.
Crew 1: Saturday U12 - 8am - 11am (prep for 9am and 11:30am games)
Crew 2: Saturday U14 - 8am - 11am  (prep for 9am and 11:30am games)
Crew 3: Saturday U14 - 3pm - 6:30pm  (prep for 4:30pm and 6:45pm games)
Crew 4: Sunday U14 - anytime before 11am (prep for noon game)
Crew 5: Sunday U14 - 2pm - 5pm (prep for 3pm and possible 5:30pm games) 
Please let me know what shift (or shifts) you'd be willing to help out with and how many helpers you will be bringing.  If multiple shift will work for you please list them all (but then tell me if you want to work just one... or if you're willing to work any/all shifts if needed).  
For field prep, please let me know which Crew(s) work best for you and how many helpers you'll have.  If you can work multiple shifts please let me know that also.  
Please let me know ASAP!
-----Original Message-----
From: "Brian Kayser [HJRB]" <>
To: "mailing.list List Member"  <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2011 09:19:38 -0400
Subject: Concessions / Field Prep Help

Since we have one of the nicer U14 fields around, we were selected as the host community for the Mason PONY Non-Travel-Team End-of-Season U14 tournament.  This is a tournament for teams in Division D and below that played in the Mason PONY league.  This means will are hosting 11 or 12 games from Monday July 11 through Sunday July 17.   We are also hosting tournament games for some of the U12 games as well (6 games).
We are looking for concession stand helpers Tuesday – Sunday (July 12 – 17).  Weekday games will be at 6:30pm.  Saturday the 16th we will need helpers from 8:30am until about 8:30pm.  Sunday the 17th we will need helpers from 11:30am until at least 5:00pm.  There is an optional “if needed” game at 5:30pm also. 
Also – we will need to do field prep on Saturday and Sunday.  It would be great to get a crew of older kids to do this with maybe a parent or two to supervise.  This will involve dragging and/or raking the fields between games, and doing the chalk lines.   On down time they can watch the games or possibly walk the “concession wagon” around. 
Please email me ASAP if you can help (and when).  Our club makes money off this from concession sales. 
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball

Friday, July 8, 2011

Fall Leagues / Uniforms


A lot of our kids and coaches participate in fall leagues each year (such as Charlotte’s Wooden Bat League) so I’d like to communicate the stance of HJRB with regards to it.  If a team is composed primarily of Holt/Dimondale kids then we will allow the teams to be called Holt Jr. Rams.  Last year we hosted some of the Charlotte League’s games on our fields and provided concessions; and we will most likely do that again this year.


However, just so you know, we do not run these leagues.  Most importantly the HJRB board does not put together teams for these leagues.  We do not select coaches and we do not provide any funding for the teams.  Any coach or parent can opt to sign up a team, participate and coach.   These coaches can then select their own team however they want, whoever they want.  It is their team. 


I mainly point this out to avoid confusion.  This is post season play that we encourage but we do not organize the teams in any way.  Getting asked to play on one of these teams is completely up to the coaches putting together the teams.  If your current coach is putting together a wooden bat team don’t assume your son will be asked and please don’t take it personal if they don’t.  We don’t allow coaches to hand pick their teams during the regular season but they can here and many times it is based on close friendships, player ability or positions needed, etc, … and there are only so many slots. 


I honestly don’t know all the coaches and kids planning on participating, but I’m sure there will at least be a few teams.  The only thing I can offer is if your boy is interested but does not know of a team, email me and I’ll keep a list.  If there are any coaches looking for extra players, email me and I’ll share the list of kids looking for a team. 


If we do host games at Elliott we will be looking for volunteers to run concessions and help with field prep.  Last year we profited around $1,200 during this league.  All money we can use to improve the HJRB program. 


IMPORTANT: We are not allowing our jerseys to be used this year for fall play!!  This is extra wear and tear and a lot more work tracking down who has and hasn’t turned them in.  You must turn in your Jersey and belt by July 29.  Any fall league teams need to provide their own jerseys even if they are using the Holt Jr. Rams name.  Contact the HJRB board if you want to use some older pullover jerseys. 


** If you have played your last game and didn’t turn in your Jersey and belt to your coach, you can drop it off to the following address (there will be a box on the porch). 

Kathy Hall’s House

2595 Hummingbird Ln. in Holt

Off Willoughby Rd, across from Maple Ridge Cemetery.




Brian Kayser, President

Holt Jr. Rams Baseball


Concessions / Field Prep Help


Since we have one of the nicer U14 fields around, we were selected as the host community for the Mason PONY Non-Travel-Team End-of-Season U14 tournament.  This is a tournament for teams in Division D and below that played in the Mason PONY league.  This means will are hosting 11 or 12 games from Monday July 11 through Sunday July 17.   We are also hosting tournament games for some of the U12 games as well (6 games).


We are looking for concession stand helpers Tuesday – Sunday (July 12 – 17).  Weekday games will be at 6:30pm.  Saturday the 16th we will need helpers from 8:30am until about 8:30pm.  Sunday the 17th we will need helpers from 11:30am until at least 5:00pm.  There is an optional “if needed” game at 5:30pm also. 


Also – we will need to do field prep on Saturday and Sunday.  It would be great to get a crew of older kids to do this with maybe a parent or two to supervise.  This will involve dragging and/or raking the fields between games, and doing the chalk lines.   On down time they can watch the games or possibly walk the “concession wagon” around. 


Please email me ASAP if you can help (and when).  Our club makes money off this from concession sales. 




Brian Kayser, President

Holt Jr. Rams Baseball


Friday, July 1, 2011

Holt Baseball 2011 Summer Camp


Attached is a registration form for a summer baseball camp put on by the High School coaches and players.  This is the same staff that helped us put on our winter Bootcamp.  If you register by July 15 you will receive a camp t-shirt.  The camp is July 26 – 29 from 6-8pm for ages K-8. 


This camp is put on and run solely by the Holt Baseball Boosters and the High School coaches and players. 


Please see the attachment for more information. 



Brian Kayser, President

Holt Jr. Rams Baseball


Friday, June 17, 2011

Need Concession Workers this Sunday

I am looking for volunteers to work in the concession stand this Sunday (yes, Fathers Day).  The Mason U12 tournament is using our fields and will be using them Sunday for the Championship games.  We are all set for Saturday, just need Sunday workers. 


The games start at 9am and the championship should finish around 2:00pm – 2:30pm. 


Ideally we need the following shifts (there is some overlap during peak times). 


9:00am – 11:30am

11:00am – 1:00pm

12:30pm – 2:30pm


Let me know, ASAP, thanks J



Brian Kayser, President

Holt Jr. Rams Baseball




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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Holt vs. Grand Ledge in Diamond Classic

If you don’t have anything going on tonight the Holt Varsity team would love some fan support at Cooley Law School Stadium (aka – the Lugnut  Stadium).  This Diamond Classic game is at 7pm and they play the Grand Ledge team.



Brian Kayser, President

Holt Jr. Rams Baseball


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Home Games Canceled / 5-25-11

All home HJRB games are canceled today.

This is Brown U10, Orange U10, and Black U14.


If you have an away game we do not make the determination for those.  You will need to contact your coach.  Coaches – you need to contact the opposing coach or community if you have not heard anything from them.




Brian Kayser, President

Holt Jr. Rams Baseball




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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Holt Rams Varsity playing for League Title!

Hopefully the weather holds out for our teams today and also for the High School Varsity team as today, Thursday May 19th, they play for the league title!! 
The Rams overall record is 17-4 with a League record of 8-2.  Today’s matchup is Holt vs. Grand Ledge at Grand Ledge. 

Grand Ledge comes into the double header with just one loss on the year and none in the league (10-0). If the Rams sweep the double header they will be co-conference champions.  If they lose just one of the two, Grand Ledge will win the conference.


Wednesday, May 25th is Holt vs. Bath at 7:30pm at Municipal Field in the first round of the Diamond Classic.

Tuesday, May 31st is Holt vs. Battle Creek Central, 5:30pm at Holt in the first round of the Districts.  If they win that they will play Grand Ledge on Saturday, June 4th at 10:00am for the District title.

From Head Coach Nate Potts: “Our season has been successful to this point and our fate is in our own hands which is nice. We sure would appreciate all the support we can get with these critical upcoming games. Thanks.

Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Parking at Elliott

For the safety of our kids and others, please restrict your parking to the paved parking lot or the grass areas indicated in the attached picture.  Of particular concern is the parking on the east side of the concession stand near field #4.  There is no need for this.  At times parking will be challenging I know.  Tomorrow for example there will be games at all four of our fields and possibly games at the t-ball fields. 

If you park in the grass, please fill in the area on my picture designated with a “1” first.  Make 1 row right up against the fence line then a double row in parallel with it (I’ve simulated it on the picture).   Then fill in the other grass areas if needed.    Obviously I can’t communicate this to our visiting teams but they will hopefully follow suit.  We will have some signs made up also.

Thanks for your cooperation on this and please drive carefully in these areas!! 

Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball

Friday, May 13, 2011

MSU baseball

 Free MSU game for Holt Jr. Rams Baseball players on May 21st (1:05pm) at McLane Stadium on the MSU campus.  Just tell the admissions person your name and wear your uniform.  This is a televised game and a great way to promote Holt and the Jr. Rams!  Parents, chaperones, and siblings are regular price for admissions.  

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lost a Glove?

We have a few recently lost gloves that coaches have retrieved.  If you lost one please let me know.  Give a description of it and let me know what day it was lost. 

·         Left hander glove

·         Left hander catcher’s mitt

·         Right hander glove

Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball

Monday, May 9, 2011

Game Results Blog / Concessions / Play Ball...


A cool aspect of our website is our Game Results Blog.  If you’ve checked out the website you’ve probably already checked it out on the “Game Results” tab.   We need volunteers to do these little write-ups for each team.  It’s not hard, all you have to do is send an email to a special email address.  Here is a sample:


U10 Holt Green slaps Dansville Black 10 - 5

The Rams marched into Dansville to face the 1st place Dansville team.  Holt jumped out to an early 4 - 0 lead and were never threatened.  The boys scrapped and clawed for 5 intense innings against an Aggie squad full of experience.  The Rams hope to continue the good play Wednesday at home against Williamston


Check out the Game Results tab on our website for more examples from last year.  Some coaches like doing these themselves, but most are very busy with their coaching duties and wouldn’t mind help with this.  The kids LOVE reading about their team.  Even if they lose, there is usually a positive spin you can write about with encouragement for the next game!  If you would like to do this for  your team and have good writing skills please ask your coach if anyone else is doing it for your team.  If there isn’t, contact me and I’ll get you the necessary information.  As of right now, only TWO teams have Game Result Bloggers identified (and one is me).  Don’t deny your team some easy and fun recognition. 



We are looking for volunteers to work in the concession stand this year.  It would be nice to get at least 4 families from each team to volunteer a time slot.  Please don’t leave 90% of the work to the 10% of us who volunteer!  Contact Rachelle Shuler ( ) to sign up for a shift.  Thanks!! 


Speaking of concessions, you can also help out the program by making purchases at the stand.  Most of the items are $1.00 such as Hotdogs, Popcorn, Pop, Water, Candy, Ice Cream, Snow Cones, and Coffee or Hot Chocolate on cool days.  For even less than a buck you can get Sunflower Seeds, Chips, Suckers, Airheads, and Gum.  Large size Powerades  are also available for $1.50.  Are you rushed getting to the ball field on time?  Eat dinner at the game. What’s better than a Hot Dog at a baseball game?? You can’t beat the price!


Let’s play ball…


Brian Kayser, President

Holt Jr. Rams Baseball


Thursday, May 5, 2011

2011 Aquafina Pitch, Hit & Run


Delhi Parks and Recreation is hosting the 2011 Aquafina Pitch, Hit & Run competition again this year.   There is no cost to participate.


“Pitch, Hit & Run is intended to encourage participation and

emphasize the "fun" element of baseball and softball

competitions.  Every child, 7-14 years of age is eligible to

compete free of charge.  Each participant will compete in each

of the three events and accumulate a total score based on

his/her performance.


Winners from each age division will advance to the sectional

competition. Sectional winners will then be eligible to advance

to the State Championships at Comerica Park.


The top three finalists in each age group will be awarded

ribbons. The individual winner from each skill event will also

be awarded a ribbon.”


Check out the flyer for more information:


Just FYI…



Brian Kayser, President

Holt Jr. Rams Baseball




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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rainout Info

For rainout information regarding HJRB home games only, call the Delhi Parks & Rec rainout number 517-694-3433 after 4:30pm. You can also check the "Rainout Information" section on the home page of our website; a message will be posted if games are canceled. If possible, an email will be sent to the HJRB mailing list if all home games are canceled.
If Delhi does not cancel the games by 4:30pm, then between 4:30pm and game time it will be up the coaches and / or umpires to determine if a game should be canceled or delayed due to inclement weather. 
**For away games, you must contact your coach or the community where your game is scheduled.**
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
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Monday, May 2, 2011

Baseball + Ice Cream!


We will of course have our concession stand open during games and will have simple ice cream products available for sale, however if you are still hankering for a sweet treat after your game here’s a deal for you!


Sweet Sensations at 1963 Cedar St. in Holt, will give any Holt Jr. Rams baseball player a 10% discount.  They just need to be wearing their uniform.  The discount is just for the player(s). 



Brian Kayser, President

Holt Jr. Rams Baseball


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Uniforms - missing items


If your boy received all the pieces of his uniform you can disregard this email. 


We tried to size up all the kids at evaluations but it seems we always have some issues when the day comes to hand out the stuff.  Hats were the biggest problem as the sizing changed on us (went from 5 different sizes to 3).  Some of you are missing pants and some are missing shirts. 


The ETA for most stuff is this Friday.  Jersey shirts may take an extra few days as they have to put the numbers and lettering on them.  Priority is being given to kids that have early tournaments. 


Kathy Hall will be running around making sure you get any missing items ASAP.  She will either get the stuff to your coach or to you at a practice. If you would rather arrange for a pickup contact Kathy at her email:


Thanks for your patience and understanding.



Brian Kayser, President

Holt Jr. Rams Baseball