Dear Parents of potential High School freshman baseball players,
This is an exciting and I'm sure nervous time. All the years of baseball, and now... will he make the freshman team?? Good luck to all of you! On behalf of the entire HJRB Board of Directors, we hope he does; that is a big reason of why we exist!!
However, they can only take so many players of course. If your boy will still be 14 or younger by April 30th he can still play in U14 for HJRB. So if you would like to rely on HJRB as a fallback, that is fine, but you must register and attend evaluations along with everyone else.
As I understand it, it will be towards the end of March before you will know if your boy made the freshman team. We will be forming our teams by the end of February. So we will place your boy on a team and then if he makes the Freshman team that is great, we understand! We will remove him from the HJRB team and fill in as necessary.
If you opt for a Tier-1 team we can work with you on withholding payment until you know for sure. However, if you opt for a Tier-2 team and he is placed on a Tier-2 team, you must pay in full because indoor practice sessions start March 10th and he should participate and be fully committed. If he makes the Freshman team, you will be refunded the player fees minus the number of indoor practice sessions he attended ($10 per weekend).
Please note - come the end of March, if your boy does not make the freshman team and wants to play HJRB but you did not register or attend the player evaluations, he will NOT be placed on a team. The only exception to this is if we are hurting for players and need a few extra to round out the teams, then we may make an exception if he has played with us in the past.
So please don't feel bad about starting the process with us and then jumping to Freshman ball; this happens every year and we expect that and will be happy for him! We prefer that vs trying to get on a team last minute!!!
Brian Kayser
HJRB - President.