In case you haven't noticed, the payment links are now active also. If your boy is on a Tier-1 team the cost is $150, a Tier-2 team is $295. Just like last year we are offering you the option of purchasing an extra pair of baseball pants for $15. This is especially important for Tier-2 players as they will be playing in a lot of games and one pair may not cut it (especially for those kids that like to get dirty!)
The process is very simple. Just follow the payment link on the website, and provide the primary email address you used when you signed up your boy. Hit LOOKUP and it will tell you what you owe and give you the option for the extra pants. There is "Pay by Check" button and a "Buy Now" button for Credit/debit cards via Google Checkout.
If you opt to pay by check you will be presented with a remittance form and the name and address of our treasurer which is where you will mail it.
If you opt to pay via credit or debit card, you will be handed off to Google Checkout where you can complete the transaction. You don't have to create a Google account to use Credit/Debit. When you complete the transaction we get an email notification that you paid. There is a 2% fee to use this method to help cover the transaction fees we get charged.
Here's the direct link also:
Payments are due March 1.
*** Also - don't forget about our Five Dollar Wednesday Workouts, there's one tonight ***
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball