Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Online Registration time is NOW!

Online registration for the Holt Jr. Rams Baseball 2010 season is now open and available. 

This is a competitive youth baseball program for 8-14 year old players living in the Holt/Dimondale community or attending Holt Public Schools. Players will be assigned to teams based on skill level and age. Teams will play in the Mid-Michigan PONY League against other similar skill level teams from the Greater Lansing-area.

The registration window is December 8, 2009 - January 18, 2010.

You must register before player evaluations. There is no payment due at registration time and there is no obligation so register now! 


Coaches Meeting

Attention any parents interested in coaching baseball for Holt Jr. Rams Baseball; we will be having a coaches meeting Wednesday December 9th at 6pm.

We will meet at the High School in room E114.


Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Junior Rams Baseball Age Policy

Dear Parents and Players,

The Board of Directors has received inquiries from some parents pertaining to the organization’s rules about age cutoffs for the different divisions (i.e. U10, U12 and U14) and whether or not players who do not meet the April 30th deadline for U12 or U14 should be permitted to move up to the next age division.

The Holt Jr. Rams Baseball program is divided into 3 age divisions. U10 is for the players who are 8 – 10 years old on April 30th of each respective season. The U12 division encompasses players that are 11 or 12 years old on April 30th of the season and U14 players must be 13 or 14 years old on April 30th of each season. The Board recently met to consider these age cutoffs as well as whether or not waivers would be granted to allow certain players to advance to the next division even though they do not meet the age requirement for that division. (i.e. Whether a 10 year old born in September, thereby missing the April 30th deadline, can be permitted to play in the U12 division?) After consideration of this issue, the Board of Directors voted to strictly enforce the age requirements for each respective age division. Accordingly, players who do not meet the age requirement for advancement to the next division will not be permitted to advance and play in the next age division.

While the Board understands the concern that these age cut-offs will in some cases cause players from the same grade level to play in different divisions, it is the Board’s belief that several reasons exist for a strict enforcement of these age requirements. A few of these concerns are as follows:

  1. All Holt Jr. Rams players should be treated equally and preference should not be given to one player over another.
  2. The Board wishes to avoid any potential liability and/or insurance issues with regards to injuries sustained by or caused by players playing out of their age designation.
  3. Allowing players to advance out of their age specified division will result in a dilution of talent and competitiveness at the lower divisions.
  4. Players who seek to advance out of their age specified division will in many cases be playing against players who are 3 years older than they are. For example, there is little doubt that the size, strength and coordination of a young 10 year old is significantly less than that of a 13 year old.
  5. Many tournaments require strict adherence to these age cutoffs and require proof of age by presentation of birth certificate.

It is the Board’s belief that enforcement of the age requirements will lead to a safer and more competitive Junior Rams Baseball Program. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this regard.

Holt Junior Rams Baseball
Board of Directors

Exciting Announcements for the HJRB 2010 season

Dear Parents,

The Holt Jr. Rams Baseball Board of Directors is pleased to announce the following changes and enhancements for the 2010 season.

Two new levels of competitive play
In an effort to give our kids an opportunity to have a longer season, and to be more competitive, we are introducing a three tier program. Our Tier-1 teams will be the same as last year and have the same cost; however we will now be offering Tier-2 and Tier-3 teams. These teams will play more tournament games and have indoor practice time in March. We will make as many Tier-2 and Tier-3 teams as we can based on player interest and coach availability. You will be asked on the registration form which tier you would like your child to be considered for. This is your opportunity to let us know at what level we should take the HJRB program. If you are comfortable with the number of games we offered the last few years then stick with Tier-1, but if you want more from the program let us know by selecting Tier-2 or Tier-3. Our website has much more information.

Earlier player evaluations
Player evaluations will take place towards the end of January for the coming season. This will allow us to form teams and select coaches in February. This is important, especially to our Tier-2 and Tier-3 teams, as they will start practicing in March.

Online registration and payment
This year we will be offering online registration on our new website. This will make it faster and easier for you to register and also reduce the amount of information that our volunteers need to manually key in (and also reducing data entry errors). We will also be offering online payments by credit cards or debit cards. This will be via a Google checkout; HJRB will not collect any card numbers. Online registration should be available starting in December.

Registration Reduction Program
Another exciting program that I hope everyone takes full advantage of is our Registration Reduction Program. This is simply asking you guys to try to secure a corporate sponsor or two. This could be your employer or any businesses you wish to solicit. Then 15% of any sponsor donations you secure will be used to reduce your child’s player registration fee. This could be a huge savings opportunity for you! You can start this program today. Don’t wait or someone else may contact any businesses you have in mind before you!!

Sponsorship Recognition Program / Sponsorship Drive
In order to help you entice sponsors to donate money to HJRB, we have put together a very comprehensive sponsorship recognition program. We want to do all we can to give our sponsors the recognition they deserve for any generous donations. This includes website recognition and advertising, ball field signage, team and ball field sponsorships, and a lot more.

This email is just a “teaser”. To find out more information about all these topics, and to get a sneak peak at the Parent Information Sheet that will go out to the schools soon, you must visit our website at www.hjrb.org .

Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball

Monday, October 26, 2009

New HJRB Website

Obviously if you are reading this you have found our new website http://hjrb.org/. We hope you find this website helpful and informative.  Please checkout this information page for further information: http://hjrb.org/?page=AboutOurWebsite.htm

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Open Board Meeting 10/21/09

The HJRB organization is having a board meeting and the public is welcome. This will be the first open board meeting with the new board of directors. Topics to be discussed: 2010 tryout dates, where to hold tryouts, new sponsorship drive and registration fee reduction program, unveiling of new website with new online registration and on-line payment options, coach and team selection process, plus a lot more.

The meeting will be at the Holt High School in room West MIC W113 at 6:30 p.m.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Indoor League Play

Coach David Miranda is putting together a U10 Holt team to play in an indoor league at Lansing Indoor Sports Arena and is looking for some additional players. Please contact Dave at anne.davidmiranda(at)comcast.net if you are interested in playing. There is most likely additional space for another team if another coach wanted to participate as well.

The first session starts November 1st and runs to December 27th.

The league will consist of 8 games and also include 1 hour of practice time in the dome and an additional hour of batting cage time.

The team fee is $850 which would be divided by the number of players. So figure about $70 – $85 per player depending on how many players are put on the roster.

Get with me or Dave for more information or check out Lansing Indoor Sports Arena’s website: http://www.lansingindoorsportsarena.com/baseball.htm

This isn't a HJRB event, I'm just passing on the word.

Brian Kayser
President, HJRB

Thursday, October 8, 2009

HJRB Program Status Update

Dear Parents, Coaches, and Players,

Hello, I am Brian Kayser, the new president for the Holt Jr. Rams Baseball organization. As most of you are aware, on September 1, 2009, an election was held and a new Holt Junior Rams Baseball Board of Directors was elected by those in attendance at the meeting. At that time, then vice president Jeff Steinhaus was elected President of the Board. Additionally, the elections resulted in Tom Barger being named Vice President, myself as Treasurer, and Brandee Brooks as Secretary. Unfortunately Jeff had to step down from the President position due to the recent health issues that I believe all of you were informed about.

I volunteered to take over the role of President and the current board approved the move. While a lot of you out there know me, there are many whom I don’t know and I look forward to working with you. My son, Patrick, has played the last two years for HJRB in the U10 division and will be playing in the U12 division next year.

In addition to the election of the new Board of Directors, new Volunteer Representatives were appointed for the 2010 season. Those Volunteer Representatives are:

   U10 Coach’s Representative: Bill Butterson
   U10 Parent Representative: Kathy Hall

   U12 Coach’s Representative: Spencer Perales
   U12 Parent Representative: Doug Clark

   U14 Coach’s Representative: Vacant
   U14 Parent Representative: Darren Rogers

Furthermore, the HJRB Advisory Board is:
   Brad Phillips: Varsity Baseball Coach
   Nate Potts: Junior Varsity Baseball Coach
   Aaron Houser: Freshman Baseball Coach
   Tim Tilma: Parks and Recreation Representative
   Bob Clone: Former HJRB President / Founder

We will try to make this transition of board members as smooth as possible but please bear with us as we “learn the ropes”. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to past board members Bob Clone, Anissa Vanliew, Jeff Steinhaus and Annette Middleton for a job well done. Bob has graciously volunteered to be an advisor to us and will be around to help us out and answer our questions as needed.

Currently we are planning on having an open board meeting on Wednesday October 21. I will follow up with additional details when we establish a place to have it.

To wrap up some old business…
As most of you are aware, there have been thoughts of making certain changes to the HJRB program. Specifically, these proposed changes consist of having a competitive travel team at each level that would play an extended season (presumably April – August). It has also been proposed that tryouts be conducted in the fall (September/October). On September 14, 2009, the new board (with Jeff as President) met and discussed these proposed changes to the program. Based upon the fact that the current board was only elected on September 1, 2009 and that significant time constraints existed in implementing fall tryouts for the 2010 season, the Board voted not to implement any such changes for the upcoming season. However, the Board did vote to implement these plans pertaining to fall tryouts and for extended season competitive travel teams in the 2011 season. There are many issues to be worked out in this regard and those will be dealt with between now and the 2011 season.

If possible, we will try to hold the 2010 tryouts sooner in the year to give coaches a better opportunity to locate and sign up for more local tournaments and to have additional practice time before the commencement of the season. This is all dependant on finding tryout windows that don’t conflict with other sports as well as facility availability. We are currently looking into which particular facility we will be utilizing for these tryouts. We will provide you with more information about the upcoming 2010 season in the near future.

The HJRB Board of Directors would like to thank each and every individual who has volunteered their time and effort to ensure that the Junior Rams program continues to grow and be a great success. We all look forward to a great upcoming season. If you are interested in serving as the HJRB Treasurer or as the U14 Coach’s Representative, please contact a Board member at your earliest convenience. Go Rams!

    Brian Kayser: bkayser@hjrb.org
    Tom Barger: tbarger@hjrb.org
    Brandee Brooks: brandee9@yahoo.com

Brian Kayser
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball

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