Friday, October 9, 2009

Indoor League Play

Coach David Miranda is putting together a U10 Holt team to play in an indoor league at Lansing Indoor Sports Arena and is looking for some additional players. Please contact Dave at anne.davidmiranda(at) if you are interested in playing. There is most likely additional space for another team if another coach wanted to participate as well.

The first session starts November 1st and runs to December 27th.

The league will consist of 8 games and also include 1 hour of practice time in the dome and an additional hour of batting cage time.

The team fee is $850 which would be divided by the number of players. So figure about $70 – $85 per player depending on how many players are put on the roster.

Get with me or Dave for more information or check out Lansing Indoor Sports Arena’s website:

This isn't a HJRB event, I'm just passing on the word.

Brian Kayser
President, HJRB