Tuesday, February 23, 2010

HJRB Player Fees Due

Thank you to everyone that has already paid their player fees via check or credit card!!!  This has helped a lot as we already have bills to pay. 
For those of you who have not paid yet (there are a lot) please take this opportunity to do so! 
Simply follow this link and plug in the email address you used when you registered your son.  It will tell you how much you owe and let you pay via credit card or check. If you pay by check, all the information you need will be provided. 
The fees are considered late after March 1 and players will not be able practice until the fees are paid.  For those players playing Tier-2/3 you start indoor practice the week of March 8!  Players on Tier-2/3 teams should have been contacted by their coach by now to communicate the indoor practice schedule. 