Wednesday, September 18, 2013

HJRB Board Mtg Tomorrow

The election of new officers will be at the next board meeting this Thursday, September 19th.  Please see the attached PDF document for information about the candidates running for HJRB board positions.  I really like the information gathered and being able to share it ahead of time for a more informed decision.  It looks like the only real voting will be for the President position as there are two candidates.  Please show up to the board meeting and cast a vote.  We will have a limited amount of time for open discussion also.  
1.        Introductions
2.        Executive Committee Report
a.        Quick recap of 2013 season
b.       Steinhaus tournament overview
c.        Treasure’s Report
3.        Explanation of election  / by-laws
4.        Election of new officers
a.        President (Noel Heikkinen / John Price)  two year term
b.       Vice President (John Price)  one year term
c.        Secretary (Carla Rios, unopposed)  two year term
d.       Treasurer (Adrianne Clark, unopposed)  one year term
5.        Discuss transition plan
6.        Short open discussion with both new and retired board members with parents present.
a.        Simple Q&A – no lengthy discussions.
b.       How to submit suggestions / concerns / feedback to new board members for future board meeting.
7.        Next Meeting Date/Time? 
8.        Adjourn 
Brian Kayser, President
Holt Jr. Rams Baseball
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